Selecting a custom style will only replace buildings from those combinations of zoning type and level of which they have at least one building (for example, level 2 low density residential zone, or level 3 office zone). Selecting the default style for a district means the district can spawn the usual buildings from the stock game and any of the enabled custom buildings. Only zoned buildings from the Steam Workshop can be added to a style. Buildings are added to existing styles from the assets tab. Editing a Workshop style in the content manager will create a local copy of the style. Subscribers can click the 'subscribe to all' button of the style to easily download the required assets, so it is not necessary to specify required assets for a style in the Workshop. Styles can also be shared in Steam Workshop. The Modern City Center DLC is a Content Creator Pack that contains high-density commercial buildings. The European Suburbia DLC is a Content Creator Pack that contains low-density residential buildings. Maps will default to one of these two styles. The European style is a part of the base game, as is the ' Vanilla' or 'default' style which is composed of American type buildings. 4 Using the content manager to select a style.